“I love to cultivate my garden. I am planning to plant organic vegetables, so that everyone in my family can eat fresh and healthy vegetables.”
49 years old
Lost his leg following a motorbike accident
In 2015, Xieun and his wife were driving back from a friend’s wedding in their mountainous hometown. It was a lovely full moon night, and they were in a happy mood after a great evening, when a motorbike coming in the opposite direction lost control and hit them at full speed leaving both Xieun and his wife with broken legs. As Xieun’s injury was severe, he was transferred from the provincial hospital to Vientiane, the capital city. But it was already too late for his left leg, which showed signs of infection, and had to be amputated.
“When I came back home several weeks after the accident”, remembers Xieun, “it was the hardest time of my life: I realised I would no longer be able to work or take care of my family ”.

“This leg gave me my life back”, explains Mr Xieun. “Now, I can cook, take care of my garden and feed my chickens, pigs and ducks! It’s so enjoyable to be able to be able to feed my family again.”
“I even have some new dreams for improving my garden, like planting organic vegetables. I believe in this project so that everyone in my family can eat fresh and healthy vegetables.”
Thanks to COPE supporters, Mr Xieun received his first prosthetic leg 4 months after his accident.
“Today, I invite you to eat some fresh food with my family!”