“The clubfoot treatment helps Lychaozong not be a person with a disability in the future “
1 year old
Lychaozong is 1 year old, she lives with her parents in Nasala Village, Xaythany, District, Vientiane capital. Lychaozong was born with both feet turned inward and upward, this condition is called clubfoot. Right after birth, the doctor advised Lychaozong’s parents to bring her to the Centre of Medical Rehabilitation (CMR) for treatment.
Then, Lychaozong was brought to CMR when she was 3 days old only. At first, her parents were very much concerned about her feet, they thought their baby will not be able to walk when she grows up. But, when they arrived CMR and saw other children that also have a similar problem they felt a bit better.

At first, her parents were very much concerned about her feet, they thought their baby will not be able to walk when she grows up. But, when they arrived CMR and saw other children that also have similar problems they felt a bit better.
After registration and proper assessment, Lychaozong received her first serial casting on the same day she arrived at the center. The rehabilitation staff told Lychaozong parents that clubfoot is a congenital birth defect (from birth) that causes one or both feet to turn inward and upward. If the baby received proper treatment and follow-up within the first week or month there is a 95% chance of full recovery. Her parents were very happy to hear this.
The main treatment for clubfoot, called the Ponseti method, involves gently manipulating and stretching, putting it into a cast then wearing a brace called Dennis Brown Bar (DBB).
To correct the foot deformity, Lychaozong must undergo at least 4-6 serial castings therefore her parents need to bring her back to CMR every week to remove the old plaster cast and replace it with the new plaster cast.
On 30th March 2020, Lychaozong got her first Dennis Brown Bar (DBB) to fit with. The function of the DBB is to maintain the foot in a correct position and to prevent recurrent clubfoot. Lychaozong needs to wear the Dennis Brown Bar for 23 hours a day for 3 months and continue to wear it at least 12 hours a day during naps and at nighttime until Lychaozong is 4 years old. To complete this treatment process, her parents need to bring her to CMR several times as appointed by the rehabilitation staff.
To date, Lychaozong still continues using the DBB, and the one that she is using is her 3rd DBB. Once the whole treatment is completed, Lychaozong foot deformity will be corrected then she will be able to walk normally without braces.

Lychaozong received her first Dennis Brown on 30 March 2020.
Now, Lychaozong foot deformity will be corrected then she will be able to walk normal.
“Thank you Center of Medical Rehabilitation (CMR), COPE, and all the donors who supported Lychaozong to have a new life again.”