“The clubfoot treatment helps Mangkhone not be a person with a disability in the future “.
A little boy baby Mangkhone INTHALIYAVONG
6 months
A little boy baby name Mangkone INTHALIYAVONG is 6 months old, his parents live in Angnamhoum village, Naxaithong district, Vientiane capital. He was born with his left side foot turn in side (called Clubfoot). After birth, the doctor advised his mother and referred him to the Centre of Medical Rehabilitation (CMR) for rehabilitation treatment to correct his foot deformity. But the rehabilitation Centre had been locked – down and parents were not able to travel and receive service until 10 August 2021 due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Therefore, he has been delayed in getting treatment until he was 2 months old.
The rehabilitation staff at the Centre explained to his mother about the treatment procedure that
“To correct the foot deformity, Mangkone must undergo at least 4-6 serial casting corrections therefore his parents need to bring him to CMR every week to remove the old plaster cast and replace it with the new plaster cast. Then, the baby must keep wearing the device called Dennis Brown Bars (DBB) and that will be continued for up to 4 years to get a full correction of the deformity.

On 29 December 2021, Mangkone received his first Denis Browne Bars.
Now, his parents need to bring him to CMR for follow-up treatment as appointed by the rehabilitation staff.
“Thank you Center of Medical Rehabilitation (CMR), COPE and the USAID OKARD who supported Mangkone INTHALIYAVONG to have the treatment to correct his foot deformity ”