“My new leg helping me moving freely and go back to work “
MR.Keo Bourkham
40 years old
UXO accident
Mr. Keo Bourkham is 40 years old, lives in Nathert Village, Yomalath District, Khammouan Province. he married in 2005 with five children now and they all students.
Khammouan Province is one province where the UXO effects in Laos, especially at Yomalath District, he is a district army since 1996. he married in 2005,
he stepped the land mine while he went out for the ligula army’s duty with my colleagues in the jungle in 2002, “Mr. Keo got serious injure on his leg and have to amputate” Said the doctor.

He felt so sad when the doctor tells him about his leg have to amputated, at that time, he thought about if he could not be able to walk, and could not take care family because he will be a person with a disability but “in the darkness, there was still a light”, the doctor told him that the Centre of Medical Rehabilitation (CMR) and COPE will help me come back to walk again.
In 2003 he came to rehabilitation in Vientiane to receive the first prosthetic device. Unbelievable, the assistive device enables him to walk freely again and go to work as usual.
Today, 30 March 2020, he comes back to CMR again to fit with his fourth prosthetic leg.

Mr. Keo Bourkham received a first prosthetic leg in 2003 and the last one on 30 March 2020.
Now, Mr.Keo Bourkham is moving freely and can go black to work again. .
“Thank you Center of Medical Rehabilitation (CMR), COPE, and all the donors who supported me to have a new life again.”