“The new prosthetic leg helping Poi to be more active in her daily activity “
My name is Poi
5 year old
My name is Poi. I am 5 years old. I lost my leg in a traffic accident last year. On that day, my parents had worked late in the paddy fields, and we were driving home with our tractor after dark. A big bus driving very fast crashed into us. My father died instantly, but my Mum and I were injured in the leg. The doctors can treat only my Mum’s leg, but they had to amputate mine.

I was very sad and cried that my leg had to be amputated, It’s been really hard since then, me being stuck at home, moreover, I was very shy to socialize with other people and I didn’t want to go to school. My mom was very sad and worry about me if I will be a person with a disability in the future.
My grandmother heard about the Center for Medical Rehabilitation, and the free treatment by CMR and COPE. I have been here two weeks, training to learn how to walk with my new prosthetic leg.

Poi has received her first prosthetic leg on 25 September 2016.
Now, Poi is walking with her prosthetic leg to school every day.
“Thank you Center of Medical Rehabilitation (CMR), COPE, and all the donors who supported Poi to have a new life again.”